Small, compact, with a smashed face and bat ears, this is the French Bulldog.
Race that is gaining more and more admirers for its friendliness and charisma.
Anyone who doesn't know thinks he is brave for his exotic appearance. However, just spend 5 minutes in the company of one to know that your docility and charisma have no limits.
This little one usually weighs between 8 and 14 kg, and has an average height of 35 cm withers.
Despite its small size, the French Bulldog is a very masculine breed, like a miniature bull. What catches people's attention is its square head, with its bat ears and round, observant eyes. The snout is very wide and the skin on the head seems to be "left over" because of its lovely wrinkles.
The French Bulldog may look clumsy, but it moves very gracefully.
Although the temperament varies, as it varies in men, in general they are a real joy for everyone in the house.
When they see a child, they tend to be filled with enthusiasm and will soon become involved. The frenchie always loves to be the center of attention and without any shame he sends himself in the middle of the circle of friends and as soon as he starts to charm everyone.
The French Bulldog is a very confident puppy, maybe even half convinced. For this reason, they do not feel the need to bark or be afraid of other dogs, which leaves some larger dogs bewildered and perplexed, as it is not typical of small breeds.
One of the positive characteristics is that they adapt easily. With a frenchie, you can do anything you like and live anywhere. He is always happy to stroll or play, but they really prefer comfort and the good life.
They work very well in small spaces such as apartments, as they prefer the company above any mansion. They are not excessive barkers, the neighbors often think that they do not live next to an apartment with dogs. In addition, a French bulldog's need for exercise is entirely dependent on its owner's taste. Frenchies are happy to take a basic walk or even a walk like that.
Do not feel betrayed when he is approached by other people and melts completely ... The company that the French bulldog chooses is not very selected. If necessary, he plays with anyone, literally. All you need is a little attention and affection, and anyone can be the new-best-friend-of-your-French-Bulldog of the day.
Extreme dependence on the owner. After experiencing life with a Frenchman, you will probably find all other breeds totally boring. They are also not good swimmers and the danger of heat attack is also very high, so walking on sunny days is not recommended. The French Bulldog may have skin problems, typical of dogs with short coats, in addition to some heart and spine problems, typical of small breeds.
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All flat-nosed dogs are BRAQUEOCEFÁLICO dogs.
The result of their compact airways is their inability to effectively regulate their temperature. While a normal dog can suffer from the heat to some degree, for a French Bulldog this can be lethal. It is imperative that they are protected from extreme temperatures at all times, and that they always have access to fresh water and shade.
French Bulldogs also have a tendency to have eye problems.
It is common to have a third eyelid prolapse (cherry eye). Glaucoma, corneal ulcers and juvenile cataracts are other conditions that can affect French Bulldogs, however with less intensity.
French Bulldogs can also suffer from various spine / back problems.
Most of them are probably related to the fact that they are a selectly chosen breed of dwarf examples of Bulldog breeds. This condition is also known as chondrodysplasia.
Thyroid diseases can also be responsible for some skin problems that affect some French Bulldogs. Allergies, interdigital cysts and obsessive leg licking can also affect the breed.
In Brazil, one of the biggest problems is Demodectic Mange.
French Bulldogs often require cesarean delivery to give birth to their young, just as males are not able to carry out a natural breeding, requiring one or more artificial inseminations. Breed females may also suffer from so-called 'dry heat', which can be a side effect of a thyroid disease or some impaired thyroid function.
Lame femoral dysplasia: It is a malformation of the hip joint, which results in pain, lameness (lameness) and osteoarthritis.
Talking a little about Demodécica:
Demodectic Mange, also known as Black Mange
Everyone is terrified of her! Even dog breeders.
Since the advent of Google, everyone has been half-understood in everything: half-chef, half-lawyer, half-journalist, half-physiotherapist, half-doctor, half-dentist, half-architect, half-landscaper and, why not, half-excellent vet? :)
It is still necessary to consider that this disease is also controversial in the professional environment.
Because science and technology are "volatile", a veterinarian needs to be up to date; using the knowledge acquired there during college is not enough to deal with the cellular bases of pathology.
That is why, perhaps, so much information crossed on the topic, in all media.
While the puppies live in the dog's uterine environment, they are said to be "germ free".
The same thing happens with humans. While the woman is pregnant, her child is protected from most microorganisms that come into contact with the mother.
It is only after birth that the microbiota (the term "flora" is no longer used) of the skin and mucous membranes is populated by bacteria, fungi, mites and other microorganisms. And this is a continuous process, which occurs throughout the individual's life.
In the case of humans, the mouth has - at least - 500 different species of bacteria, in addition to fungi. Incredible as it may seem, for each human cell in our body, there are 10 cells of microorganisms adhered to our body (internally and externally), which add up to something around 1 kg in weight.
There is no problem in living with all these microorganisms, at least for me, as I am not immunosuppressed.
With dogs, the same process occurs.
As soon as they leave the uterine environment, they come into contact with microorganisms and colonization of the skin and mucous membranes of these puppies begins.
Well, the demodectic mange story starts there.
What all people need to understand is that 100% of dogs have a mite, in small amounts on the skin, called demodex canis.
It may be Xuxa's sharpeis, it may be Barney - Scottish terrier - yet, President Bush, it may be Leo who arrived from Canada, it may be my father's mutts. ALL, absolutely all dogs on the face of the earth have a mite on their skin, called demodex canis.
And, of course, when the puppies are born, they come into contact with the mother and acquire this mite. They also acquire streptococcus, staphilococcus, lactobacilli, fungi and other microorganisms.
THIS IS NORMAL! There is nothing wrong with that. Dogs don't get sick because the mother has the mite on her skin.
Up to 1 year old, the puppy's immunity is VERY fluctuating.
For this reason, many pet humans are impressed by the need for constant visits to the vet, in the first year of life. After 2 years old, everything changes.
During these immunity fluctuations, very common in the first year of life, skin microorganisms - which are also opportunistic - can develop MORE, altering the balance of the normal microbiota.
Therefore, areas with hair loss caused by fungi, bacteria or demodex kennels may appear.
It is like this with these microorganisms: we suck at pimba!
This condition of demodicosis in childhood cannot be definitively rated as that terribly feared disease that occurs in adulthood, in repeated cycles, until the end of the dog's life.
The exacerbated proliferation of demodex canis in childhood may never recur, once treated, or may occur in other episodes, which will disappear in adulthood.
"Legitimate" DEMODÉCICA SARNA is an immunological issue, as there is a continuous fluctuation of immunity, even with the adult dog.
The professor of Dermatology, from the Veterinary Medicine course of SP, DR. RONALDO LUCAS, makes a great analogy regarding the early manifestation of demodex canis: "The fact that someone gets drunk does not qualify him as an alcoholic".
We are a family owned and operated business.
Text taken from the blog:: http://villechamonix.blogspot.com/2008/11/desmistizando-um-mito.html#ixzz39e0Z4gc3